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Wednesday, May 13, 2020

What's Next Indeed!

It’s been some time since I last blogged. Indeed it’s over 7 months since I last posted on my blog site. There have been many reasons for not doing so, one being that I now tend to use other social media platforms on which I opine. My more recent posts concerned activism as volunteering. Pre Corona crises, the biggest crisis was Climate Change. It still is.

The climate change crisis has not gone away. But I never envisioned, like many of you, that this Corona crisis lay ahead of us.

So here we are. In a time like no other in our living memory. Most of us are still staying at home. We are either working, furloughed or no longer in employment.

Everyone has been caught off guard. We are living through a moment of history. Millions of volunteers around the globe have been stood down. And on the other hand, hundreds and thousands are registering their interest in volunteering to help.

The theme for the next International Volunteer Managers Day has just been announced. “What’s Next?”

As a theme for a date meant to promote the profession of Volunteer Management it is a strange one. How do you promote a profession with a tag line such as this? Yes – it reflects how our sector may be thinking (or not). After all what profession is not thinking, amongst other things, on what on earth lies around the corner? The theme has gained approval, judging by what I see on social media comment sections, by those who comment habitually on such platforms (and that number is miniscule – if you are a volunteer leader the stats say you will probably never even read this!).  But I am also of the belief that if the theme so stated “crushed bananas will make us stronger” it would nonetheless garnish support, ‘Likes’ and ‘Hearts’ from the echo chamber that is Volunteer Management. No one seems to contest anything anymore in our sector. Did we ever? Sure, the late Susan J Ellis did. Susan is sorely missed. And then there is Jayne Cravens. A lone wolf? (Jayne will appreciate the reference!) The insolent VM is as rare as hens’ teeth! More’s the pity! Same with the volunteering sector as a whole. Too nice you see.

I am hearing from our sector now a familiar mantra – time to change Volunteer Management – time to take our sector seriously – time to have our sector at the table. William Butler Yeats spoke of polite meaningless words. I wonder.

In Australia there is a leadership vacuum in the volunteer management arena. One could argue the same in the volunteering sector space. Maybe instead of the navel gazing we could shift our focus on what this awful crisis will mean for society in two, five and ten years’ time and the role volunteering will play.

What role will volunteering and volunteer management play when the queues for social security stretch for miles? What role will volunteering play when neoliberal policies concentrate on “paying down the debt” at any cost?  How will volunteer management survive when organisations are slashing budgets and are short-sighted enough to take the knife to their volunteering programs to save a quick buck? And they will.

Where does volunteering sit when governments enact “Shock Tactics”. Shock tactics, according to Naomi Klein, author of ‘The Shock Doctrine, follow a clear pattern: wait for a crisis, declare a moment of what is sometimes called “extraordinary politics”, suspend some or all democratic norms – and then ram the corporate wish list through as quickly as possible.

In Australia right now nearly half of our pre-coronavirus workforce is on a government payment; with 5 million people on the JobKeeper allowance and 1.5 million on JobSeeker. 

Perish the thought of what society will look like when government ceases these payments. Which they will.

This is what’s next. This is the future our sector needs to prepare for. Now.


  1. Great article, DJ. Very thoughtful and passionately implored.

    How is my question. Getting angry achieves little (not that I am implying you are angry of course). “Great words speak to the thoughtful, great actions speak to all” is a mantra I like repeating (which also speaks to volunteering!).

    We all demand structural changes, but these require coordination, alignment and resourcing.. both through VMs (and their execs).. on a VM salary? Not quickly enough. Peaks? Absolutely but again, with what resourcing. CPD, data, evidence-based advocacy, absolutely.

    But also, what volunteering? If neo-libs had it their way, volunteering would be primarily regarded as a pathway to employment. To me, it is about reciprocity (social contract). To others, "giving back" (but what did they take so much of first?) and to others impact, activism, social etc etc.

    The ontology of volunteering makes it difficult to speak each person's language meaningfully. Nonetheless, keep writing and keep asking, I share your journey.


  2. Thanks for your comment Scott and thanks for sharing the journey!

  3. The Corona Virus has caused more global impact than World Wars, Volcanic Eruptions, Tsunamis’, Fires, Floods, Drought and many other natural disasters put together. Somehow the phrase “every cloud has a silver lining” is just too benign and patronising for a crisis of this magnitude. However I would like to highlight the modern day equivalent of words from John Heywood's A dialogue conteinyng the nomber in effect of all the prouerbes in the Englishe tongue, 1546:

    …'it's an ill wind that blows nobody any good'.

    DJ you mentioned that prior to the Corona crisis that the biggest concern was Climate Change. I completely agree with you. One of the upsides, and there are a few, of the restrictions implemented by governments to stem the spread of the virus has had a positive effect on the environment, reduction of smog due to factories being shut down and less pollution from traffic because there are less people commuting . So many people have mentioned that it has been good to slow down, take stock, look at life anew and consider what is really important in life, consumerism versus making and creating, necessity being the mother of invention. Mend, repair, upcycle, recycle, how often have we heard those words but now they are more significant than ever as we see the fragility of human life and the impact that our consumerism has had on our environment.

    So when you ask “What’s Next?”
    Volunteering and Volunteer Management will definitely need to evolve as will life in general. It will be significantly different from life as we knew it pre Corona Virus.

    What have we learned from the current crisis? Evolve or get left behind.
    A very smart young Irishman, Connor, a blacksmith, converted some of his equipment so that he was able to make protection screens for businesses where staff had direct contact with the public and needed to protect themselves. In Australia there have been several instances of businesses, with only minor adjustments to equipment, being able to produce much needed items such as hand sanitizer and PPE (Personal Protective Equipment). Many businesses have taken their businesses online. Telehealth, once used for remote patients in outback Australia, is now a common, non-contact method for GP’s to see their patients. We are seeing more meetings held online via Zoom, Microsoft Teams and other social media platforms. We are embracing the technology and saving time and commuting in doing so. This also provides opportunities to be more inclusive, no longer is distance a deterrent for participation.

    I am not sure “What’s Next?” All that we can do is to learn as much as we can, embrace technology, share ideas, think outside the box, be adaptable, resilient, strong, wise, brave and be a leader to inspire others. Whatever we do we must evolve.


    1. A great response Wendy which made for some excellent reading and I could not agree with you more. Thanks for taking the time and effort to write it! We need more voices like yours!


Thanks for your message. It will shortly be reviewed. Namaste! DJ

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