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Thursday, August 16, 2012

DJs Thursday Tip: Communicate Inspire Communicate Inspire Communicate!

Keeping up communication with the volunteer team is essential in my opinion. Volunteers work on different days and different hours and it’s a challenge keeping them up to speed with organisational news and updates, new policies, great stories, etc. Here are some of my tips:
·         Create a volunteers newsletter. Have it driven by volunteers!
·         Create a volunteer email list with those volunteers who agree to be on one.
·         Have a fantastic notice board where volunteers sign in
·         Have  a volunteer liaison committee which meets regularly with volunteer management and executive/board
Keep the communication positive and inspiring. Tell the volunteering story. Share positive feedback and don’t be afraid to keep asking for volunteer feedback.
Celebrate volunteering and communicate it. Keep in touch. Volunteers will appreciate it!


  1. Great tip DJ. I would also suggest taking lots of photos of volunteers (with their permission of course). A picture tells a thousand words.

    Photos can be used to illustrate newsletters, utilized in displays and put in powerpoint presentations for meetings and volunteer recognition functions. They add a visual representation of the volunteer team.

  2. Good point Wendy and thanks for taking the time to comment!


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