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Sunday, July 25, 2010

An open letter to National Australia Bank

Dear National Australia Bank

Well done NAB for supporting volunteering in Australia and promoting volunteering so publically by spending the $$$ to get volunteering profiled on primetime recently.

I have included your link on my blog site for the moment!

Taking the lead I encourage you now to find a way to support Volunteer Management! Volunteer Management is a profession in Australia that supports the 5.4 million Australians who volunteer!

Many people that I know in the past few weeks have commented on your recent ads on TV and the positive light it has shone on Volunteering!

Volunteer Management is an emerging sector in our country. Although it has been around for sometime it is only lately that it is finding a voice as well as being recognised as an important cog in the wheel that is volunteerism.

Now, National Australia Bank – how prudent would it be for you if you extended your support for volunteering and corporate volunteering to Volunteer management! My site is giving you the opportunity to take this visionary lead!

How can you do this?

Directly support International Volunteer Managers Day!

Take out an ad in November stating that you support volunteers and those who manage volunteers! (Or make it your next ad!)

Provide some funding or sponsorship for the Australasian Association of Volunteer Administrators (AAVA)

Or get in contact with me and I will get you in contact with the leading thinkers in volunteer management who would welcome a dialogue with a corporate such as yourself!

I only do this because I believe you have a taken the lead.

I look forward to a response on my site.

Again, well done on your positive promotion on volunteering!

But let’s recognise those who recognise most the value in volunteering – Volunteer Managers!

nab has an opportunity to take a lead here too. Someone will someday...eventually...why not you?

DJ Cronin
Volunteer Manager

1 comment:

Thanks for your message. It will shortly be reviewed. Namaste! DJ

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