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Saturday, March 20, 2010

Another Retreat

Just finished presenting at the Retreat for Advanced Volunteer Management in Adelaide. Another exciting event but this one was tiring!!! On reflection some mixed feelings this time. I have a sense of " are we still asking the same questions 5 years on?"


  1. This was the first retreat that I attended. I vascillated from feeling confident in my VM role to feeling totally in despair at what I still needed to learn about the sector. One like minded attendee felt overwhelmed at the enormity of the task of implementing changes to a work environment which was ignorant of her role. While we are supported by other like minded souls at the retreat what happens when we go back to our work roles? Do some retreat attendees feel isolated and unsupported by their work colleagues from other departments? How do we support these people? Your thoughts?

  2. Thanks for your thoughts! I believe Martin has a good plan in mind to keep in touch with the group from a faculty perspective. Also I do hope that people begin to utilise the notjust50 newsgroup. People need to form networks and for those who are isolated especially this can be a great network. But it is up to members to make it work. There should now be something like 150 managers or coordiantors on that group. Will the newest members change it from a quiet inactive one into a vibrant, progressive and dare i say it "advanced" network?? Here's hoping.

    I encourage you to not feel despair at what you percieve is still needed to learn about the sector for you. it may just seem that way from the information overload you have just experienced in Adelaide. Rather, as time goes by I hope that you have the opportunity to reflect on the different experiences and thinking you encountered and engage in critical thinking yourself as you learn and grow.

  3. Thanks for your encouragement and support DJ. Looking forward to joining that newsgroup. I will certainly be having my say.

    Yes you are right DJ information overload and a strong push from the retreat to get out there and lobby governments and agencies and newspapers. One step at a time maybe and baby steps at that till I find my feet again. The Retreat was a great experience though - lots of ideas and plans to build on.


Thanks for your message. It will shortly be reviewed. Namaste! DJ

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