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Friday, June 26, 2020

Imagine the Australian Volunteering Party!

Is there an opportunity here with over 5 million people volunteering in Australia? Imagine a party with these main aims?

The establishment of a 5 day week hot line - 1800 volunteer - to give advice to volunteers on their rights and responsibilities and an advice line for those who manage volunteers.

Seed funding for the establishment of a professional volunteer management association with funding for staff and resources and a volunteer advocate office.

Campaign for more funding for Volunteering Australia and state peak bodies given the economic benefits of volunteering to Australia.

Campaign to establish the V Card for volunteers. A card that will contain all probity for volunteers for a time period to stamp out repeat probity and administrative burden for charities.

Campaign for free public transport for volunteers on the day they volunteer making volunteering more inclusive for communities.

The establishment of the National Volunteering awards broadcast on TV networks during National Volunteer Week.

Government recognition of International Volunteer Management Day.

Funding for the accreditation of organisations on the National Standards on Volunteering with a quality Mark being granted to organisations that comply - Accreditation to last 3 years.

The designation of International Volunteers Day as a national public holiday - a day to encourage full time workers to give the day volunteering. Or replacing the Queens birthday holiday with this when we become a republic! 

A campaign for a National Minister for Volunteering.

To hold a national forum on the future of volunteering involving community groups, the public and private sectors.

The establishment of the office for first peoples volunteering giving a voice to the traditional owners of the land on community giving.

A campaign to make volunteering more inclusive to all parts of society.

The establishment of volunteering and community service in the school curriculum.

Establishing a campaign where all MPs perform 2 volunteering days per term.

The elevation of Volunteer Management as a degree and a career pathway.

The reintroduction of the Australian Journal on Volunteering.

A day of remembrance for all volunteers who have lost their lives while on volunteering duty.

Better laws enacted to protect the rights of volunteers especially in regards to sexual harassment and bullying.

The establishment of a National Youth Council on Volunteering.

The registration of a political party in Australia would take 500 signed up members. Does an appetite exist for this? Over to you. 

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